Friday, July 29, 2011

Happy Friday!

TGIF! Where has this week gone? Where has this month gone for that matter? My mind is swirling with thoughts of things I need to do and the time I need to make for the things I need to do! I don't see things slowing down anytime soon either with the new school year just around the corner. Slowly but surely I will get all the things checked off of my list and in the meantime, I'm going to enjoy today cause it's Friday (and that means I get to sleep in tomorrow)! It's also the opening night of Hayley & Hannah's play "Robbin Da Hood" and I'm super-excited to see my little hood rats perform tonight!! They tell me they got mad rappin skillz!

I'll leave you with a couple of cute pictures I found out there in blogland.
So true, so true!

I need this on my front door

No explanation needed

Only to be used on your worst enemy!

Grease is the word

I actually want to get this printed for my house, not sure where to put it though.

Happy Friday to all my peeps!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Summer in our house means...

Never having to sleep in your own bed...not even once!!!!


On another note...we've been without cable for a week. I'm not sure how we survived?? We finally had to switch companies and we're so excited to have cable back on...even if it means we have to watch this!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Back to School Shopping

Man, I can't believe the kids go back to school in a month!  It feels like summer has been flying by.  I want it to slow down, I'm not ready for routines and schedules yet!  I'm not even ready to buy school supplies and new clothes and shoes yet either but I promised Hayley and Hannah that I would take them Monday night since it's our only free night.  The rest of the week is play practice and dress rehersals.  By the end of the night, we had new skinny jeans, khaki pants, tennis shoes, lunch bags and a whole basket full of school supplies.  It was exhausting and I'm glad it's over...but it sure made them really happy!

Can you spot the real kids?

Hannah's trying on the perfect pair of skinny jeans

Oh, decisions, decisions....what color notebook should I get?

Yea! We're done!!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Ok, I will admit it. I'm a bit of a control freak when it comes to my life and family.  I like things done my way and I'd like to think I am always in control.  The truth is...only God is in control and it's so hard to let go of things I want or think should happen.  I know he has a purpose for our family and he has us right where we should be so why is this so hard for me to accept?  Sometimes I feel like my 4 year old when I tell her to do something and she rebels.  I tell myself that I will trust in God's plan for us but I am rebelling inside and I know it.  It's hard to let go of things I want.  I'm struggling to do that but I know I can if I just trust in him.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Back in Time

Call me crazy but some days I wish it were the 1950's.  I think I could live in that time frame.  The men went to work and took care of the family financially while the women took care of the kids and household.  There really wasn't a choice in the matter, it's just how things in the mainstream were done.  I've always struggled with working or staying home with the kids.  While I feel it's so important to be at home with the kids, it's also hard to make it on one salary alone.  I don't really know if times were easier back then but they sure seem simpler.  I feel like there is so much competition amoung us today...with our kids, with ourselves, with eachother.  I fall into this way of thinking myself.  Sometimes, it's hard not to get caught up in who has what and where they've been and what their kids have.  I'm not proud of it and it's something I am constantly working on to change within myself.

I talk about our year in Arizona often because it was a year of such a happy time in my life.  I loved the location, the weather, the views.  It was something I could count on everyday.  I would take Hayley and Hannah to school and turn the corner and there was the sun hitting the side of the mountains just right.  It was a beautiful sight and I truly miss it.  Being in Arizona also allowed me to be a stay-at-home mom and I adored this!  I took the kids to school and picked them up.  I spent time with Holly everyday.  I made all of our meals.  I packed good lunches for the girls to eat at school.  I helped them make projects for school without feeling rushed for time.  I volunteered in the classroom.  I loved taking care of my family.  I loved having the time to take care of them the way it should be.  I was organized, the house was always clean and we had a home cooked meal almost every night.  These days, I can barely kiss them good night because I'm exhausted and I made a home cooked meal for the first time (last night) in a long time.
So after all this (long exasperated) story, I really think I would have been a good June Cleaver...minus the short hair! Dressed up, high heels, wearing pearls with a spatula in hand....Yes, I could do that and would be happy to!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Britney Spears

My husband is good to me. He suprised me and Hayley and Hannah with tickets to her concert while he stayed home with Holly. Our tickets were up high but we didn't care cause afterall, we were gonna see my girl Brit. Opening acts finished and they said it would be another 45 minutes until she started so we got up and took a potty break. When we came out of the restroom, a lady came up to us and asked if we wanted tickets on the floor?  Uh-hello...yes!!  We were in shock....really!  The girls squeeled and gave the woman a hug and she handed me 4 tickets on row 5!!!! Hayley's friend Brooke was also with us.

The show was ah-ma-zing!! Loved everybit of it!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Do you Zoku?

First you need one of these


To make these

And then you get this...3 happy kids!
I saw the Zoku maker on one of my favorite blogs Me Oh My and knew I had to do these.  They are really fun to make and freeze in 9 minutes!  That's right...9 minutes!  These are strawberry yogurt pops but next we are trying the Banana Cream recipe.  Yummy!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Happy Friday!

We are all excited because we are headed out for a fabulous weekend at Yogi Bear Park.  The kids love this place!  We are even bringing the furry babies with us.  I've got to go finish packing now but not before I leave you with this cute little sign.


See I told ya it was cute!!  Have a happy weekend too!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Our weekend in pictures

A hot summer evening with this cutie and sidewalk chalk
We spent Saturday at our friend's lake house
My crazy man rode this!!! It's called the Barf Ball...luckily, he didn't though!
On Sunday we visited my mom. She was in a car accident about 2 weeks ago and broke her foot and her arm. Thank goodness everything else was fine. The girls wanted to cheer her up so they decorated her boot.
Later that evening, we went to our friend's house for a quiet BBQ outside. This is the only picture I got.
On Monday, we visited Mimi & Grandpoppy and spent the entire day at the pool.
By the evening, the sun had drained us so we didn't stay up to watch fireworks. We heard them popping outside and we were too tired to even care. It was a great weekend. I'm happiest when our little party of five is all together...and we were!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Friday, July 1, 2011

Wonder what your wishes are...

Hope this inspires you to have a happy weekend!

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