Friday, July 30, 2010

Hannah's life as it is today...

- mother hen of the house
- list maker, just like her mama. I find her lists all over the house
- loves fashion and putting outfits together
- wants to be a fashion designer/rockstar when she grows up
- used to be really shy when she was younger...not anymore
- hates to wake up early
- very smart and loves to read
- has very good handwriting
- loves to make videos on my phone...I usually find them a month later and always smile when I see them
- she likes to help others in her classroom...she is always choosen by the teacher to do this
- her nickname is Hannah Banana...which she tells me is getting old
- she likes to sleep in my bed when her dad is out of town
- she begs me to let her wear red lipstick
- is sensitive to others and can cry at the drop of a hat...seriously!
- loves the Black Eyed Peas
- doesn't like cheese
- sneaks food upstairs
- eats popcorn almost everyday
- loves lemonade
- used to think that she wanted a crappuccino from Starbucks...I had to correct's a frappuccino
- is always worried about her grades but when we get her report cards, she almost always has straight A's
- is trying to talk her dad into taking her to Hawaii
- used to suck her thumb until she was 5
Hannah, I adore you and your sweet spirit. You are such a treasure to our family and I love you beyond measures!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Lil Red Ridin in Da Hood

Tylar aka Lil Blue; Hayley aka Lil Red; Claire aka Lil Yellow
Hannah was proud of her big sister she is giving flowers to her after she performed.

Hayley's play was so funny!  I am so proud of her performance as Lil Red.  I think she's addicted to performing in front of a live she's performing Jack & The Bean Stalk with her sister.
Here is a clip from the finale of the show. 

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Hayley's life as it is today....


- comedian of the house
- busy...acting classes, auditions and practicing for her 2nd play
- wants to be an actress when she grows up
- loves animals and constantly begging us for more pets
- wants to volunteer at an animal shelter
- loves watching the Animal Planet channel on tv, even the gross stuff. Her sister and her friends make her change the channel when she watches animal surgeries
- asks us the craziest questions, like..."If I were a spider would you still love me?"
- likes texting more than talking on her cell phone
- wants to be in a band
- reminds me that I said she could start shaving her legs when she is in the 6th grade :0
- says her friends would describe her as retarted and thinks this is a good thing
- named all her toes
- loves to snuggle
- is mad because I won't let her read Breaking Dawn
- her favorite friends to hang out with are Brooke, Maddie and Victoria
- runs upstairs as we are walking out the door to go somewhere and makes us late...all the time!
- is glad Holly was born because she took her title of problem child
- gets jealous that Holly prefers Hannah a lot of times
- gives the best shoulder massages...ever!
Love this girl!

Celebrating 15 Years....Cancun style!

Our trip was awesome. No kids, just us...relaxing in this beautiful resort and enjoying our time together. I loved not having a plan for the day. No alarm clocks going off telling us it's time to get up; not having to take a 5 minute shower because I'm running late; no sitting in traffic on the freeway. It was just us and we got to make our own rules. We lounged around the pool, took walks on the beach, collected sea shells for the girls, ate, took naps in the hammocks under the palm trees, went shopping, went to a nightclub and danced, played beach volleyball, sang karaoke, ate some more, watched the sun go down over the ocean from our room, went snorkeling, hung out with new friends and of course, took lot's of pictures.
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