Thursday, March 8, 2012


When I first started this blog back in Arizona in 2008, I wanted it to be more than just pictures and updates of our family.  I wanted to dig a little deeper.  However, that's a little scary for me.  I've written several heart felt posts and never published them.  Writing is therapeutic for me.  And I've realized that for my blog, I want to capture not only our family in pictures but I also want to capture moments of our family.  Thoughts and feelings of these moments.  For instance, right this very moment....

It's an ordinary day.  Hayley and Hannah are at school and I'm sitting in the middle of my back yard basking in the sun.  The Breaking Dawn soundtrack plays on my iPhone which may or may not be responsible for my creative juices flowing.  Holly is running in and out of the house every few minutes.  She is struggling with wanting to play outside or stay in and color another picture.   While I haven't accomplished much inside, it's the simplicity of this day that I'm enjoying.  I've downloaded a bunch of new songs for my retreat tomorrow and all I can think about is how excited I am.  Is it wrong to say that?  That I am excited to have some "me" time?  Away from Scott and the kids in the mountains?  It's kinda like a dream come true.  At least for 2 days.  I'm looking forward to meeting new friends, evaluating my relationships....all of them,  re-discovering myself and getting absorbed in God's word.  So to recap...I'm hoping to give a little more of myself in my posts.  It's a hard thing to do...put yourself out there but like I said before...I am in love with my family and I want to capture those moments that remind me of that.  

I'm doing "Our Week in Pictures" today instead of Friday since I will be out of town (below).

1.  Hannah had a sleepover
2.  Stylish little mama
3.  This truck was parked in front of our house for about an hour to groom Sammy
4.  Someone was really happy to see him after he got groomed
5.  New subway art print I ordered for our house
6.  Hayley and I are official volunteers in the Children's Ministry at church (notice the badges)
7.  4 HMS girls
8.  I have a lunch date in our backyard with this girl almost everyday
9.  My orchid loves this spot because it has 4 new blooms

I can't wait to get back from my retreat and tell you all about it.  Hope everyone has a great weekend!


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