Saturday, November 1, 2008


Yesterday was busy! Hayley had a field trip at the zoo so Holly and I went with her. It's a really cool zoo. I was so bummed that I forgot my camera though! We didn't have that long so we didn't get to see it all but it was nice and I know it meant a lot to Hayley that I was there. We will definately go back now that it's cooling off and bring the entire family next time. Scott flew in from Los Angeles around noon and had to rush home to get the fruit tray for Hannah's class party at 1:45. I got back to Hayley's school around 2:00 and went to her class party and then we headed home around 2:30. After dinner, we got the kids dressed in their costumes and met our neighbors outside and walked with them as the kids all went trick-or-treating house to house. We went down a couple of streets (the kids had plenty of candy already) and then ended up pulling chairs in the drive way and passed out candy to the rest of the kids. About 3 other couples and their kids joined us in our driveway talking and letting the kiddos run and have fun. Needless to say around 9:30 I was exhausted! Here's a few pics I took of the kids in their costumes and at the fall festival at church. Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!


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