Sunday, January 8, 2012

Me and my bright ideas

Sometimes I get ideas to do things and think they are great ideas...for instance....I thought it would be a good idea to get Mimi to take some family pics of us. How easy is that right? Wrong! Nobody in my family wanted to get their picture taken so right from the start it was a disaster. Holly threw a mini-fit before we walked out the door because she wanted a gogurt (yogurt in a tube). Of course, she got it and walked down the street the entire way with it. Pinky Pie (a huge stuffed pony) also had to make the trip with us and when she wasn't in the picture, Holly threw another fit. Then she spilled the yogurt all over her dress and in her hair. The big girls laughed which made it even worse. Scott was frustrated, the big girls thought the pictures were a big joke, our sun was gone and it was freezing, Holly was crying and I was about to start crying too. This is where I thought to myself....why on earth did you think this would be a good idea? I was about to just forget the whole thing all together when the storm calmed and kids started cooperating. We did manage to get some in the end, I think it was worth it...I think!


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