Monday, April 20, 2009

Ding Dong Lover in the house

Ok, ok....get your minds out of the gutter! It's not what you think. Let me explain. I was grocery shopping a week ago and strolled past the junk food section and was reminded of how good Twinkies and Ding Dongs are. I rarely buy this stuff for the kids but I, myself was in the mood for some of these "old school" treats so I threw a box of Ding Dongs in my cart and headed for the check out line. A while later I opened the box and unwrapped my first Ding Dong in ages. It was yummy! Holly spotted me and so I had to share with her. That's all it took for her to be hooked...more like addicted!!!!
The next morning was a school day and Holly woke up about 6:30am. I let her stay in the playroom and watch cartoons until I had to get up to wake the girls up for school. 30 minutes later I woke up and headed to wake up Hayley and Hannah but when I got to the playroom I saw Holly on the couch munching down a Ding Dong. It was too late to take it away from her but she got a scolding (she just laughed at me).
About 5 mintues passed and I came out of the girl's rooms when I saw Holly with another Ding Dong in her hand. This time it was freshly opened so I quickly took it out of her hands before she bit into it. I don't know how she got it so quickly but somehow she did. Yesterday morning she did it I grabbed my camera and snapped a couple of shots...notice how happy Ding Dongs make her!!
Sammy is hoping to sneak a lick or get lucky enough if Holly drops some! He is her best friend when she has food.


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