Sunday, February 22, 2009

Great Dad Sunday

Today at church our pastor talked about how important "dads" are in our society especially to daughters. This got me thinking and so I decided to write a post about it as hard of a subject this may be for me. I guess you could say that I've always felt sorry for myself to not have known what a daddy/daughter relationship really is. I was however, blessed to have a step-dad and grandfather that provided stability and a roof over my head but somehow the void has never been filled. I wonder how such a relationship might have changed me and the things I may have done differently in my life. Other times I am just sad that I will never know what it's like to grow up knowing and having a real father/daughter relationship.

I am so thankful that my daughters will not grow up feeling this way. I am so thankful they know what it's like to have their dad in and a part of their lives already. I am so thankful that he is there for them not only as a provider but also to teach, encourage, praise, mentor, inspire and most of all, love them. I see the way the girls look at him and it melts my heart. Just this morning Hayley asked her dad about taking her to get her nails done....and while he looked at me and laughed...he said he would take her. Does he know that this is so sexy??? The thought of him sitting in the nail salon with the girls while they get done up is quite funny but an amazing gift to them. To them it's knowing that there dad wants to be with them no matter what. It reminds me of the ad below. It's sure to put a smile on your face!


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