But on the other side of the craziness...I can't wait to see Scott. We all miss him and it's hard to have our family separated. He is living out of a hotel room. No home cooked meals for him. I'm sure he's surviving on beer and chicken wings! No kidding...and if you gave him a choice...he'd choose the beer!
I'm ready to get our family back to some normalcy. I'm not sure that's possible in our family but at least get us back to something constant. I'm ready to get Hayley & Hannah into their new schools; Holly into a new pre-school class; I'm ready to settle into a new house that fits our family; I'm ready to grow into a new church; I'm ready to explore the area; I'm ready to take photographs along the way and document our time in California. I'm excited for all of this and more. My excitement doesn't come without tears though because there is so much I'm going to miss!!!
I've been praying about all of this. I know God has us on a path that he wants us to be on. No matter what, I'm ok with that. I trust him.
Enough of the mush...
If you don't do anything else I say...please do this one thing for me.
Go buy this book and read it. It's so good. I loved it!! Let me know what you think after you've read it.
Happy Tuesday to you!
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