Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Back to School Shopping

Man, I can't believe the kids go back to school in a month!  It feels like summer has been flying by.  I want it to slow down, I'm not ready for routines and schedules yet!  I'm not even ready to buy school supplies and new clothes and shoes yet either but I promised Hayley and Hannah that I would take them Monday night since it's our only free night.  The rest of the week is play practice and dress rehersals.  By the end of the night, we had new skinny jeans, khaki pants, tennis shoes, lunch bags and a whole basket full of school supplies.  It was exhausting and I'm glad it's over...but it sure made them really happy!

Can you spot the real kids?

Hannah's trying on the perfect pair of skinny jeans

Oh, decisions, decisions....what color notebook should I get?

Yea! We're done!!!


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