I saw this on another blog and thought it was a good idea. So I've decided to post about each kid so that I can capture what is going on with them right now at this time. Here's Holly's life as it is today...

- She is the Queen Bee of the house...we usually all do whatever she wants.
- She is the youngest of the house- She is the Queen Bee of the house...we usually all do whatever she wants.
- Impatient
- loves Thomas the Train...takes him everywhere
- thinks you can buy anything at Target, her favorite store
- tells me she misses me everyday
- nicknames: Tooterbug and Hollywood
- still loves on the dogs, Sammy & Snickers (even when they bite her when they've had enough)
- still gives us Holly love (hugs and kisses) when we ask for them
- is FINALLY potty trained...thanks to Gran
- can be the most stubborn kid ever at times
- new favorite word is "Whatever" and it cracks me up when she says it
- likes to help me cook
- loves Finding Nemo fruit snacks
- can be sassy when she talks
- doesn't forget a thing!
- asks us to take her to Starbucks
- is good at saying her prayers before she eats and at bedtime
- when she smiles, it makes my heart smile too
We Love you Lil Miss Hollywood!
- when she smiles, it makes my heart smile too
We Love you Lil Miss Hollywood!
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