- comedian of the house
- busy...acting classes, auditions and practicing for her 2nd play
- wants to be an actress when she grows up
- loves animals and constantly begging us for more pets
- wants to volunteer at an animal shelter
- loves watching the Animal Planet channel on tv, even the gross stuff. Her sister and her friends make her change the channel when she watches animal surgeries
- asks us the craziest questions, like..."If I were a spider would you still love me?"
- likes texting more than talking on her cell phone
- wants to be in a band
- reminds me that I said she could start shaving her legs when she is in the 6th grade :0
- says her friends would describe her as retarted and thinks this is a good thing
- named all her toes
- loves to snuggle
- is mad because I won't let her read Breaking Dawn
- her favorite friends to hang out with are Brooke, Maddie and Victoria
- runs upstairs as we are walking out the door to go somewhere and makes us late...all the time!
- is glad Holly was born because she took her title of problem child
- gets jealous that Holly prefers Hannah a lot of times
- gives the best shoulder massages...ever!
Love this girl!
i would love to snuggle with her spooning her, slip her panties aside and enter her from behind
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