Sunday, November 30, 2008
Over the weekend
Well, it must be Murphy's Law because when we woke up Wednesday it was raining. What?? It never rains in Arizona!! It hasn't rained once since we moved here in August and I guess since we were expecting Grandma from had to rain and not only for 1 day but 2 days. We made the best of it and had a good visit anyway. Thanksgiving dinner was ready about 2pm and we ate and ate and ate and ate...then we had dessert. The rest of the night was spent playing a good ole game of UNO. I'm thankful I didn't sit by she shows no mercy! Poor Hayley...she kept getting Hannah's wrath of Draw two's and Draw Four's. But I am happy to say that I am still the reigning UNO Queen. Friday morning we got up at 5am along with my neighbor and headed to the stores like all the other crazies out there. Got some good stuff though and so it was worth it! Missed you though Angela...hope you got some good deals too. Later that afternoon, Scott took us all to Goldfield where we ate lunch and then to Tortilla Flats because it's such a pretty drive and we wanted to show Grandma. We topped the night off by popping popcorn and watching Elf. The weekend flew by so quickly and we wanted to show Grandma so much more. We had a good visit and are thankful she was able to spend Thanksgiving with us. Hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving too!

Friday, November 21, 2008
This is why we L-O-V-E Arizona!!!!!!!!
These pictures were taken in September about a month after we moved here by an amazing photographer Mindy Kidd. Check her out at This is what we get to look at everyday. Isn't it beautiful and aren't you jealous? :)
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
We had the girls rooms painted last weekend and when I put everything back in it's place in Hayley's room, this is what I found.

Hayley had a sleepover birthday party to go to. Luckily, Hannah had a friend spend the night though. They may argue a lot but when it comes down to it, they're not only sisters but also "best friends".
Hayley had a sleepover birthday party to go to. Luckily, Hannah had a friend spend the night though. They may argue a lot but when it comes down to it, they're not only sisters but also "best friends".
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Learning lessons from Hayley
Since moving to AZ we have found an awesome church that we go to. I even want to go twice a week...that's how much I like it! Anyway, we just started a new series called "40 Days of Love" and we are into our second lesson. In the meantime, Hayley has been talking about a little girl at school that she has befriended for weeks now. Hayley has told me about her and she has been through some really tough stuff in her life. Stuff that Hayley has never been exposed to. Stuff that is just awful! I finally got to meet this little girl one day at school. She was sweet but I couldn't understand what she and Hayley had in common? From the outside, they were nothing alike. Hayley continues to talk about her and wants to invite her over but I always find some excuse not to. I just have felt uneasy about it. I don't want to express this to Hayley because she has such a great heart so I prayed about it asking God to help me make the right decision.Ok, so back to church. For the past two lessons, I have listened to our pastor talk about loving your neighbor. This means getting out of your comfort zone to love them! Love them because they are not like us and because God loves us all the same. I felt like God was answering my prayers the more the pastor spoke to us. Like the answer was right there in front of me the whole time. The right thing to do is to invite her over to spend some time with Hayley. Hayley only sees what's on the inside, not what's on the outside. When no one else would be friends with this little girl, Hayley is her friend. When this little girl cried at school, Hayley got her some tissues. When this little girl didn't have a lunch for the field trip, Hayley packed her one from home. When this little girl was cold at school, Hayley let her borrow her sweater. Even Hayley's teacher said to her, "You sure have been a good friend to ______". I am happy to say that we are inviting her over this week to play after school. I bought pizza dough, pizza sauce, pepperoni and cheese for the girls to make their own pizzas!
Hayley, I am so proud of how pure and sweet your heart is. I am learning a lot about myself through church and our lessons on love but I am learning the most from you! I love you baby girl!
Hayley, I am so proud of how pure and sweet your heart is. I am learning a lot about myself through church and our lessons on love but I am learning the most from you! I love you baby girl!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Our Newest Addition
Scott surprised me with this little guy the other day. We all love him could you not? Well, maybe not all of us love him...Sammy isn't so fond of him! Isn't he just the cutest though? We named him Snickers.

Thursday, November 13, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
All was quiet in the Smith household...a little too quiet (for this house anyway)! I didn't hear a sound which usually means she is up to no good. Most of the time she's in my closet trying on all my shoes or in my bathroom cabinets taking everything out of them. When I went to search for her this is what I found.

Thanks Aunt you can see Holly loves her bath crayons!
Thanks Aunt you can see Holly loves her bath crayons!
Ahoy Matey!
The girls got upset when I didn't post this picture of Sampson with their Halloween pics so here it is. Enjoy!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
I'm a Lucky Girl!
My sweet husband bought me a digital SLR camera for my birthday (I guess all the hinting really worked! :) Since then all I can do is eat, sleep, think photography!!! I'm obsessed with it...going online to learn as much as I can. So yesterday I asked the girls to put coordinating outfits on so I could practice on them. With much moaning they gave in and did it. I only got a couple of good shots because we went to the woods and mosquitos were biting and Miss Holly kept running around thinking it was funny to have us all chasing her. So note to self: only bring the 2 older girls next time or just practice with one at a time. I did get 2 that were really good I think. Still much learning and practice to do but I am so thankful to Scott for helping me get started! Love you babe!

Ok, so I am biased but Daddy better watch out!
Ok, so I am biased but Daddy better watch out!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Yesterday was busy! Hayley had a field trip at the zoo so Holly and I went with her. It's a really cool zoo. I was so bummed that I forgot my camera though! We didn't have that long so we didn't get to see it all but it was nice and I know it meant a lot to Hayley that I was there. We will definately go back now that it's cooling off and bring the entire family next time. Scott flew in from Los Angeles around noon and had to rush home to get the fruit tray for Hannah's class party at 1:45. I got back to Hayley's school around 2:00 and went to her class party and then we headed home around 2:30. After dinner, we got the kids dressed in their costumes and met our neighbors outside and walked with them as the kids all went trick-or-treating house to house. We went down a couple of streets (the kids had plenty of candy already) and then ended up pulling chairs in the drive way and passed out candy to the rest of the kids. About 3 other couples and their kids joined us in our driveway talking and letting the kiddos run and have fun. Needless to say around 9:30 I was exhausted! Here's a few pics I took of the kids in their costumes and at the fall festival at church. Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!
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