Monday, September 29, 2008
Cave Creek, AZ
Last Saturday Scott drove us to Cave Creek to spend the day. I think he knew I was going stir crazy since the kiddos are on a 2 week break from school so we all were excited to go. Here's a few pics from the day.

Gold Canyon, AZ
We drove about 40 minutes from our house to Gold Canyon a couple of weekends ago and I have been meaning to post these pics. They don't do the place justice was gorgeous! I am hinting to my darling husband that a new semi-professional SLR camera would be the best birthday gift! So in the meantime, these pics will have to do.

Thursday, September 18, 2008
Jamaica Beach in Galveston before IKE
I can't imagine what damage IKE did to Houston and the surrounding areas. I am so happy that all our family and friends survived with minimal damage to their homes. On this particular day, it was beautiful and peaceful. It was breezy, the kind of day Texans love. I'm so glad Mimi asked us to go as our last trip because little did I know that Galveston would never be the same. The kids had a great time and we will all miss Aunt Sandra's beach house.

Holly loves the beach...mainly because she can just run and run.

Isn't this the sweetest picture of her looking at her reflection? I love it!

Scott and I share a sweet moment before running off to catch you know who.

It's hard to believe that this was just a few weeks ago. It was the calm before the storm.
Holly loves the beach...mainly because she can just run and run.
Isn't this the sweetest picture of her looking at her reflection? I love it!
Scott and I share a sweet moment before running off to catch you know who.
It's hard to believe that this was just a few weeks ago. It was the calm before the storm.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Happy 8th Birthday!
Hannah wanted waffles with strawberries and whipcream this morning for breakfast. Last night she helped me make cupcakes so I am bringing them to her class with ice cream after lunch today. Yummy!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Terrible Two's
I think they have finally arrived. This morning Holly had Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal with Hayley and Hannah before they went to school. Then we came home and she wanted another nack (snack in Holly's language). As I was cleaning the house an hour later, she wanted another snack, a fruit snack to be exact. Unfortunately, she had already eaten them all and we were out. I told her we didn't have anymore and she marched straight to the pantry (as is she thought I was kidding!) and looked for herself. This is the beginning of the tantrum she threw.
This is full blown tantrum mode!
Finally, she took my bribe of goldfish...little toot!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Newbie Blogger!
Hello out there! Just testing out my new blogspot. I'm new at this and I think I need to get Blogging For Dummies...hmmm...note to self: stop by Barnes & Noble today! :)
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